ACC K12 Teachers Institute


K-12 Chinese Language Teachers Institute for Non-Native Speakers of Chinese

Program Dates: June 19- August 1, 2015

Applications are now open for the 2015 K12 Chinese Language Teachers Institute.

To apply online, please visit the following link:

Summer 2015

The K-12 Chinese Language Teachers Institute is an intensive summer training program for Chinese language teachers whose first language is not Chinese. This 6-week institute (late June – early August) will be held in Beijing, China with scholarships provided by the Fulbright Hays GPA Program. This training program offers refresher language courses, cultural lectures and pedagogical workshops among other features.

The Fulbright Hays GPA Program was created by the US Department of Education to improve upon the study of modern foreign languages by awarding training opportunities to students, faculty, and teachers in foreign countries where the US has diplomatic representation.

Fulbright recipients are expected to observe satisfactory academic and professional standards while in China and represent the US in a positive way. In order to complete the Fulbright requirements, participants must complete an outreach activity upon their return home from the program as well as a program survey.

The objectives of the Chinese Language Teachers Institute are to:

  • Refresh and expand participants' Chinese language skills through highly interactive and task-based courses
  • Improve and further develop participants' knowledge and skills in Chinese language instruction
  • Further participants' knowledge about Chinese culture and education practice through a series of well-organized lectures and tours

This program is designed to cater specifically to the needs of Chinese teachers whose native language is not Chinese. Therefore, eligibility is restricted to this group only.

You will earn 2 undergraduate units from Hamilton College (typically 8 academic credits) for completion of the program.

Summer Course Descriptions

A significant element of this program is for each participant to develop an extensive teaching plan comprised of a full thematic unit with 3-4 subthemes.

Lesson Plan: Lesson Plan Template (Blank)

Lesson Plan: Sample Lesson Plan

Scholarships are available through the Fulbright Hays GPA Program.

A $300 non-refundable deposit is required upon acceptance to hold your place in the program and cover administrative fees.


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