NECTFL Offers 25 Scholarships for 2016 Conference
Through generous grants from Vista Higher Learning and from the RBERN at NYU, NECTFL is able to offer 25 scholarships to attend the 2016 conference. At this time, 13 have yet to be awarded. Apply today if you are eligible - or encourage an eligible colleague to apply!
- Applicants must live and teach in northeast region and must be a current member of their local/state professional association. (NYS teachers will be eligible for RBERN scholarships.)
- Each new teacher scholarship covers conference registration for Friday and Saturday attendance at the base registration rate of $175. Travel, meals, and hotel are not included.
- New teacher applicants must be teachers with not more than 1 - 5 years' experience, currently teaching in a school in the northeast region.
- Each scholarship winner will be paired with a mentor with the expectation that the pairs will communicate with each other prior to the conference and will meet at different times over the course of the conference to touch base and discuss conference experiences.
Applicants should request a signed and scanned letter of support from their immediate supervisor to provide confirmation of employment, a comment of support, and confirmation that the applicant will be allowed release time to attend the conference. This letter will be uploaded with the application (link below). You must have this letter available to upload at the time of application. If you have your signed letter of support ready to upload, click here to apply.
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL) information