2020 Early Childhood Chinese Immersion Forum
Saturday, March 7, 2020
888 Turk Street, San Francisco 94102
Early childhood is an especially critical time for language learning, giving even more urgency for Chinese immersion educators to access one another and the collective wisdom of practictioners in this exciting, developing field. In partnership with a fantastic group of peer schools (see Planning Committee listing), CAIS is hosting the third annual Early Childhood Chinese Immersion Forum (ECCIF) for educators in Chinese immersion preschool and Kindergarten programs to network and learn from one another. The forum includes a keynote presentation by renowned immersion research Dr. Tara Fortune, breakout sessions led by conference participants, roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities.
We are thrilled to gather early childhood educators to discuss topics and share best practices in Chinese immersion in these critical, formative years for students.
Please see link below for schedule and registration details: