College Board Webinar Series
- Topic: American National Learning Standards for Foreign Language and Backward Design
Time: Tuesday, 9/17/2019, 8 PM-10 PM EST
Presenter: Ying Jin (金璎老师), ACTFL 2018 National Language Teacher of the Year
Description: Introduction to National Standards for Foreign Language Education, three modes of communication and lesson planning using backward design.
Audience: New Chinese Teachers
Language: Chinese
Link: Click here to access the webinar
Webinar Password: Cb123
- Topic: Building a Strong AP® Chinese Program
Time: Wednesday, 9/25/2019, 2 PM-4 PM EST
Presenter: Dr. Jianhua Bai, Chief Reader of AP® Chinese, College Board/ETS; Professor of Chinese, Kenyon College
Description: Strategies and resources to develop a well-articulated Chinese language program that leads to AP® excellence.
Audience: School Administrators and Program Coordinators
Language: English
Link: Click here to access the webinar
Webinar Password: Cb123
- Topic: Strategies for Classroom Management and Activities to Foster Engagement
Time: Monday, 9/30/2019, 8 PM-10 PM EST
Presenter: Heidi Steele, Secondary School Chinese language teacher
Description: Strategies on classroom management and activities to foster student engagement.
Audience: Veteran Chinese Teachers
Language: Chinese
Link: Click here to access the webinar
Webinar Password: Cb123
Please note the following important messages:
- NO certificate or credits will be provided for the webinars at this time.
- Participants will need to log in with their full name, email, position and institution when joining the webinar so we may share resources after the webinar.
- We will provide all webinar materials to you after the webinar.