
Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS) is a non-profit professional organization that represents all Chinese language educators at all levels from elementary to secondary schools.

CLASS advances and promotes the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture at PreK-12 schools in the United States.


1. To lead and promote the learning and teaching of Chinese in secondary and elementary schools in the United States;

2. To encourage effective collaboration and articulation among elementary, secondary and college Chinese language instructors;

3. To offer professional development opportunities and training in current teaching practices and instructional technology;

4. To foster a national network for exchanging information, ideas, and curricular resources related to the teaching of Chinese language and culture.



 CLASS 3rd Annual National Poster Contest


龙腾狮舞闹元宵、张灯结彩庆团圆!值此元宵佳节之际,CLASS 为各位老师送上元宵文化盛宴----2024 CLASS全美中文才艺大赛获奖作品集锦。